"I’ve been working as a mason for over 20 years now, and every day brings its own set of challenges and triumphs. I’m a 48-year-old man from a small town near Naples, Italy. My day usually starts at dawn; the early morning is my favorite time to enjoy a strong espresso before heading to the construction site. I didn’t finish school, but I’ve always had a knack for building things. My father was a mason, and he taught me everything I know. I’m a bit of a perfectionist, always making sure every brick is perfectly aligned. I’m a family man, married with two kids who are my pride and joy. My wife often packs me a lunch of pasta e fagioli, a hearty bean and pasta soup that keeps me going through the long hours. Despite the physical strain, I love my job. There’s a sense of accomplishment that comes with seeing a project completed, knowing I’ve built something that will last. I’m Catholic, and my faith gives me the strength to keep going, especially on the tough days. We moved to Milan a few years ago for better job opportunities, and it’s been an adjustment. The city is fast-paced and a bit overwhelming at times, but I’ve grown to appreciate its vibrancy. I try to balance my work with spending time with my family. Sundays are sacred; we always have a big meal together, usually something like osso buco, a slow-cooked veal dish that’s a Milanese specialty. My dream is to one day build my own house, a place where my family can feel safe and happy. For now, I’m content with the little moments of joy, like sharing a glass of wine with my wife after a long day or playing soccer with my kids in the park. One of my favorite dishes is a simple margherita pizza from a local pizzeria – the kind with a crispy crust and fresh basil, just like they make back in Naples. It reminds me of home and the simpler times."

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