"Just wrapping up another rehearsal, and I tell you, every time it feels like we're on the brink of either brilliance or disaster. Theatre, it's not for the faint-hearted. Started this job thinking it was all about creativity, and it is, but there's so much more—managing egos, tight budgets, and even tighter deadlines. It's a dance, really, trying to synchronize all these moving parts, and some days, it feels like I'm herding cats rather than directing a cast. Mornings start early for me, a quick cup of strong black coffee—no sugar, no cream, just straight up—gets me out the door. Breakfast is on the go, usually something like an apple or a banana; can't deal with anything heavy. I'm at the theatre by eight, plowing through emails before the chaos kicks in. For lunch, I try to keep it light, maybe a salad or a wrap from the little deli down the street; they know me there, start making my order the moment I walk in. Rehearsals run all afternoon, and it's back-to-back scenes, costume changes, and set adjustments. By dinner, I'm starved but too wired to sit still, so it's usually something quick, like sushi, eaten right there in the empty auditorium, reviewing notes and planning the next day's schedule. You know, despite the stress, there's a magic in watching a script come to life, seeing the actors find their moments on stage. Makes it all worth it. And when it all gets too much, there’s this little Italian place I escape to, right around the corner. They do a lasagna that's just out of this world—rich, comforting, exactly what you need after a day of drama. It’s my little treat to myself, a reminder of why I dove into this crazy world of theatre in the first place."

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